Biologie et génétique moléculaire des bryophytes: la mousse Physcomitrella patens 
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Dr. Didier Schaefer

Collaborateur scientifique
Andrija Finka Assistant diplômé, doctorant
Younousse Saidi Assistant diplômé, doctorant

Biologie de la mousse (moss biology)

Some posters on cell polarity : 2001 (Studies on P.p. Cytoskeleton) and 2002 (The ARP2/3 Complex of P. p.)

Download extensive P. patens bibliography (EndNote 5.0 zipped file; ca 160 kb) - The same bibliography in XTML format

Protocoles 2001 (protocols 2001)

Just appeared (Kluwer Publ. 2004): New frontiers in Bryology - read the chapter by Schaefer D. and Zrÿd J.-P. : Principles of targeted mutagenesis in the moss Physcomitrella patens.

Articles ( publications récentes)

Brun, F., Schaefer, D. G., Laloue, M. and Gonneau, M. , "Knockout of UBP34 in Physcomitrella patens reveals the photoaffinity labeling of another closely related IPR protein". (2004) Plant Science, 167, 471-479

Meiri E., Levitan A., Guo F., Christopher D. A., Schaefer D., Zrÿd J.-P. and Danon A. , “Characterization of three PDI-like genes in Physcomitrella patens and construction of knock-out mutants”. (2002) Molecular and General Genomics 267 : 231-240.

Schipper O., Schaefer D.G., Reski R. and Fleming A. , "Expansins in the bryophyte Physcomitrella patens". (2002) Plant Molecular Biology 50 : 789 - 802

Schaefer D. G. "A new moss genetics: targeted mutagenesis in Physcomitrella patens". (2002) Annual Rev. Plant Biol. 53 : 477-501

Schaefer D. G. and Zrÿd J.-P. "The moss Physcomitrella patens now and then". (2001) Plant Physiol. 127 (4) : 1430-1438

Schaefer D. G. "Gene targeting in Physcomitrella patens". (2001) Current Opinion in Plant Biology 4 : 143-150.

A. H. Hofmann, A. C. Codón, C. Ivascu, V. E. A. Russo, C. Knight, D. Cove, D. G. Schaefer, M. Chakhparonian, J.-P. Zrÿd, "A specific member of the Cab multigene family can be efficiently targeted and disrupted in the moss Physcomitrella patens". (1999) Mol Gen Genet 261: 92-99

Girod P.-A., Hongyong Fu, Zrÿd J.-P., and Vierstra R. D., "Multiubiquitin Chain Binding Subunit MCB1 (RPN10) of the 26S Proteasome Is Essential for Developmental Progression in Physcomitrella patens." (1999) The Plant Cell 11 : 1457-1471

Hongyong Fu, Pierre-Alain Girod, Jed H. Doelling, Steven van Nocker, Mark Hochstrasser, Daniel Finley & Richard Vierstra, "Structure and Functionnal Analyses of the 26S Proteasome Subunits from Plants" (1999) Molecular Biology Reports 26: 137-146

Reski, R., S. Reynolds, et al. . "Moss (Physcomitrella patens) expressed sequence tags include several sequences which are novel for plants." (1998) Botanica Acta 111(2): 143-149.

Schaefer, D. G. and Zrÿd, J.-P. "Efficient gene trargeting in the moss Physcomitrella patens". (1997) The Plant Journal 11(6) : 1195-1206

Schaefer, D. G., Bisztray G. and Zrÿd, J.-P. "Genetic Transformation of the Moss Physcomitrella Patens" (1994) in Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol 29 - Plant Protoplasts and genetic Engineering V (ed. by Y.P.S. Bajaj), Srpinger-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Schaefer, D., J. P. Zryd, et al. "Stable Transformation of the Moss Physcomitrella-Patens." (1991) Molecular & General Genetics 226(3): 418-424.



"Développement d'outils de la mutagenèse ciblée par recombinaison homologue chez Physcomitrella patens". Mikhail Chakhparonian PhD thesis, Lausanne, June 2001 (abstract in english and full version in French, in pdf format (5800 kb) available)

"Le protéasome de Physcomitrella patens" - chap 1 - Christian Richard PhD thesis, Lausanne June 1999. Others chapters: 2 , 3 , 4-1 & 4-2 (ca 1 + 3 Mb!) , 5 (ca 3 Mb!) , 6, 7 and 8; in French, in pdf format (150-450 kb).

"Molecular genetic approaches to the biology of the moss Physcomitrella patens". D.Schaefer, PhD thesis. Lausanne, May 1994. (abstract and full version in English are available)


Cf aussi les travaux consacrés au ciblage de gènes comme moyen d'étude des fonctions de la voie de dégradation de l'ubiquitine chez Physcomitrella patens ont été effectués par le groupe dirigé par le Dr. P.-A. Girod


A consulter aussi un travail intéressant sur les bryophytes du Chablais vaudois (Suisse) et sur la flore des mousses des stations dans lesquelles ont été prélevés les souches "suisses" de Physcomitrella patens